General terms

Section 1 – Definitions

Day – Calendar day

Client – a person who is related to Tactalyse for commercial purposes: associations, clubs, businesses, players and (potential) attendees of workshops.

KNVB licensed lecturer  person who is qualified by criteria of the Dutch Football Association to give workshops.

Tactalyse – the business Tactalyse, with its registered office in Peize, Oostingslaan 20, 9321 VX, Chamber of Commerce number 65226984

Wyscout – online platform that contains (match) footage and statistics of players all around the world.

Section 2 – Applicability

2.1 These general terms are applicable to persons and organizations who are using one or more of our services (player analysis, team analysis, scouting, workshop or application).

Section 3 – Complaints

3.1 In the case that a client has a complaint about one of our services, please contact Tactalyse immediately and we will do our best to solve or improve the situation.

3.2 Filing a complaint does not remove the client’s obligation of payment.

Section 4 – Liability

4.1 Tactalyse is not liable for any personal injury or damage to personal property of the client.

4.2 By using our services, the client releases Tactalyse and its members from all claims by third parties that are in any way related to the execution of our services. This includes any fees for legal assistance. 

4.3 Tactalyse is not liable for the performance of its clients of all services during football matches and/or training. 

Section 5 – Confidentiality

5.1 All the material and documentation provided by Tactalyse are protected under copyright law and thus may not be copied, reproduced or multiplied in any way nor made public without explicit permission by Tactalyse. The recording of images of Tactalyse services is not allowed. The client does not have the right to provide third parties with any material that belongs to Tactalyse according to the latter described criteria.

5.2 Clients of Tactalyse’s workshops are obliged to keep secrecy towards third parties about any (video) content provided by Tactalyse during these workshops, where clients should understand the confidential nature of this content.  

5.3 All materials used for analysis, such as methodological fundamentals, analysis overviews, analysed video clips and photos, remain property of Tactalyse.

5.4 The client will treat any materials used for analysis, such as methodological fundamentals, analysis overviews, analysed video clips and photos as confidential. The client will withheld of sharing this material or information with third parties and/or social media, without explicit permission by Tactalyse.

5.5 In the case that a client acts in violation of the rules described in section 5.2, 5.3 and/or 5.4, and/or the client acts in violation of property rights, and/or the client makes use of any materials used for analysis, such as methodological fundamentals, analysis overviews, analysed video clips and photos without the permission of Tactalyse, the client is obliged to, without a summation or notice of default, pay an immediate fine of € 10.000 for every violation, without prejudice to the right to claim complete compensation if the damage to Tactalyse exceeds the latter stated fine. Compensation and fines can accumulate. The client does not own the right to offset these fees. 

Section 6 – Privacy

6.1 For policies concerning privacy we refer to the privacy policy on our website.

Section 7 – Services 

7.1 Tactalyse reserves the right to change its services substantively and/or change its prices at any time.

Section 8 – Player analysis

8.1 A player analysis for a professional football player is referred to as a ‘session’ and consists of the following: Tactalyse provides the client with video footage from a match, related to methodological fundamentals. In the case that Tactalyse is not able to collect video footage through the online platform ‘Wyscout’, the client will have to provided Tactalyse with match footage. 

Tactalyse prepares and analyses matches to monitor and guide the development of a client on the tactical aspects of the game. Tactalyse discusses provided video footage with the client through online sessions. 

Section 9 – Team analysis

9.1 A team analysis for a team is referred to as ‘team analysis’ and consists of the following: the client has to provide Tactalyse with match footage that can be used for analysis. Tactalyse will conduct an elaborate analysis of the footage based on the four phases of football (attack, transition, defend, transition). Tactalyse will provide the client with footage based on the four phases. Tactalyse will provide the client with a presentation based on the four phases.

9.2 Other provisions concerning team analysis are included in the personal agreement with a client.

Section 10 – Workshop

10.1 Tactalyse reserves the right to cancel a workshop if the number of applications is insufficient. If a workshop is postponed or cancelled, applicants receive a notification of this at the latest two business days before the workshop.

10.2 Tactalyse reserves the right to postpone a workshop not later than one week before the initial date of the workshop. The client will be noticed of this through e-mail and can cancel its application for a full refund. 

10.3 Every workshop has a limited number of spots available. When a workshop is full, the registration via de website closes automatically.

10.4 Tactalyse reserves the right to, in the case of illness or personal reasons, replace the lecturer by another KNVB licensed lecturer or cancel the workshop. In the case of a cancellation, the workshop will be moved to another date (without any costs) or can be definitely cancelled by the client for a full refund. 

10.5 Parking fees and/or costs for (public) transport, when applicable, are the responsibility for the client.

10.6 In the case that a client causes nuisance during a workshop, Tactalyse reserves the right to eject this person from the workshop and/or deny any further attendance to the workshop by this person without any refund of costs.  

10.7 In the case of a cancellation by the client, the client is obliged to send an e-mail to

10.8 Cancellation more than 24 hours prior to the workshop will result in a full refund.


10.9 In the case that a client is not able to attend a workshop, it is possible to transfer an application to another person of choice, under the condition that Tactalyse is informed of this transfer more than 24 hours prior to the workshop.

Section 11 – Scouting

11.1 A scouting report from Tactalyse is referred to as ‘scouting report’ and consists of the following: an iBooks file or pdf file that consists of footage and/or data of one or multiple players adjusted to the desire of the client.

Section 13 – other provisions

13.1 By signing an agreement or taking a service with Tactalyse revoke any previously conducted agreements, arrangements or declarations (both written and spoken) by parties involved surrounding the services of Tactalyse. 

13.2 Changes to agreements can be made exclusively through a written agreement signed by both parties. 

13.3 Obligations which are intended to apply also after termination of agreement, will stay applicable after this termination. These obligations include confidentiality, any non-terminated agreements and dispute settlement. 

13.4 Any disputes based on or related to this agreement between the parties involved, including but not limited to the termination of the agreement, will be submitted to the Dutch court in Groningen. Dutch law applies to this agreement. 

For any further questions you can contact Tactalyse via e-mail ( We will react to this within two weeks.