Should we stop saying this when discussing football?
Everyone loves to talk about football. There are several talking shows on TV about football, a lot of podcasts, and everyone on the internet writes about football. In short, football is on people’s minds. But during all this talking we often have the feeling that people talk passed each other.
When we see experts and coaches discussing matches, game situations, and players. Are they discussing or just talking around the bush? We see a lot of discussions where people go back to saying the same old clichés.
This results in that we often can’t conclude a discussion. An often-heard phrase is that every situation is different, that’s why we can’t compare or even train on this. At Tactalyse we disagree with this. We think that there are a lot of similar game situations. For example, a 1v1 for a winger is similar almost every time. The winger gets the ball on the side of the pitch and has one opponent in front of him. The details can vary a little bit, like for example the height at where he receives the ball. But other than that, it’s all very similar.
So we think it’s easier to discuss football by identifying these game situations and from there start discussing. At Tactalyse we identified all the different game situations in a match and found out the optimal behavior in all of these. This is not based on an opinion, this is based on watching 10.000 situations and seeing what has the best outcome over and over again.
What do you think, is every situation different?
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